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32 articles found für ‘Media Show’…
nessViewer App 2.5 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…App we have fixed a few errors, including the Media Show with local media. In addition, we have added the …
Keywords: iOS, movie, nessViewer
nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.1 for Mac available
…App” could already be imported into a media show and then subsequently exported (or the original … App”. Several movies can be selected in the media show and then combined via contextual menu (by …
Keywords: 64 bit, HEIC, Media Server, Media Show, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter App 1.2 for AppleTV available
…had to be adapted as well. In addition, access to media shows has been improved and support for internet … on the Mac to arrange internet videos in a media show and then access on AppleTV via the media server … this media show to presemt the internet videos one after another. …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, MediaCenter, Media Server, Media Show, TV, tvOS
nessViewer 3.8 for Mac & nessViewer App 2.3 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Server, Media Show, nessViewer
nessViewer (64 bit) & media shows
…application “Preview” from Apple, the media show of nessViewer will be familiar – but media … e.g. you can add movies and PDF documents, save media shows, and convert / compress media by export. … However, media shows have lacked a function until now: the display of … Capitan) or newer: if you hide the drawer in the media show menu, the media is displayed next to each other. …
Keywords: 64 bit, contact sheet, media, Media Show, movie, nessViewer, Photos App
nessMediaCenter 1.7.4 & nessViewer 3.7.3 for Mac available
…location can be opened in movie editing and in media shows. We have also in the 64 bit version of …
Keywords: 64 bit, folder, GPS, Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.12, media center, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, presentation, processing, Retina, Sierra, video, watch
nessMediaCenter 1.1 for Apple TV available
…now be displayed with a single press directly. Media Shows are now supported when using the nessViewer … media server: after selecting the media show, it will be downloaded from the server and stored … then displayed. Thus one can now easily arrange a media show of supported providers with nessViewer (iOS or …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, Entry, List, MediaCenter, Media Show, TV, tvOS
nessMediaCenter 1.7.1 & nessViewer 3.7.1 for Mac available
…various applications can now be imported into a media show. In addition, a few minor bugs has also been …
Keywords: Apple, import, Mac, Media Presentation, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Playback, status
NV Remote II for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch available
…windows (for example DVD playback, movies and media shows) and even EyeTV and iTunes can be remote …
Keywords: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, media center, Media Presentation, remote control
nessViewer (64 bit) & Photos App support
…also import the media of the "Photos App" into a media show with the 64 bit version. But not only the media … Booth. The import of the "Photos App" media in a media show is especially important because the "Photos App" … missing. This makes obviously no sense - thus the media show does not support drag & drop from the "Photos … App" into a media show drawer. Once you have imported the media of the … "Photos App" in a media show, you can drag & drop the media from the …
Keywords: 64 bit, Aperture, Final Cut, GPS, iMovie, import, iPhoto, media, Media Show, nessViewer, Photo Booth, Photos, Photos App, pictures, videos