Simultaneous with the Mac App Store version of nessMediaCenter, the new versions of nessMediaCenter and nessViewer are now available.
As previously posted, we have adjusted the versions for the upcoming Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) after hints from Kelvin.
The AppStore version was rejected in the first review, because we have pointed out the adaptation to Yosemite - according to AppStore rules, "not yet released" Mac OS X versions may not be mentioned.
The only question is how to update versions simultaneously with the new Mac OS X version (and to inform the user about it) if the review takes almost a week.
Anyway - recent changes mention now just "adaptions for Mac OS X" and the user must think the rest...
nessMediaCenter 1.5.4 & nessViewer 3.5.4 for Mac available
Keywords: Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.10, media center, Yosemite