After opening the DLNA window by the toolbox or file menu, a window is displayed which allows it to start DLNA. If the firewall is activated then incoming connections for nessViewer must be allowed.
After the DLNA start, all available DLNA devices are shown in the drop down menu.
If the selected device supports media (e.g. a media server like Serviio or NAS volumes), then "Browse" will show the root content. Folders can then be opened and media like movies or pictures presented.
Particularly pleasant is the feature to select multiple media and then to present these media continuously.
So far the following devices have been tested (and work):
- Fritz!Box NAS Media Server
- PlexMediaServer
- PS3 Media Server
- Serviio Media Server
- Twonky Media Server (modificated nessViewer version from 3/21/2013 13:35)
- XBMC UPnP Media Server (modificated nessViewer version from 3/21/2013 12:10)
For the future further features like a DLNA media server or DLNA remote control are imaginable. An integration in the media center might also be possible.