After the adaptions for iOS 13 (nessViewer, finessTV) and tvOS 13 (nessMediaCenter, finessTV), the adaptions for macOS 15 (Catalina) are now available.
So far, we had been waiting with the updates for macOS 15, because unfortunately (again this time) Apple has not reacted to our bug report. And through this bug, the access to the media of the Photos App fails with macOS 15. Unfortunately, this bug was not fixed even with macOS 15.1, but since Apple made this update now generally available, we have no other choice. As with macOS 14, we hope that Apple will find time as soon as possible – and will not need 1/2 year as last time.
Addendum from 18.12: meanwhile we were able to clarify the problem with Apple. Fortunately it is not a bug, but just a setting: the selected photo library must be set as a system photo library so that the photos app media can be accessed.
The most important adaptation is the playback of the music and protected movies through the MediaCenter. While macOS 10.14 or earlier uses iTunes for this playback, macOS 10.15 uses the Music App for music playback (Music App Control) and the TV app for playing protected movies.
In addition, we have newly developed the access to the media of the Photos App. Previously, these media and their structure were read directly from the database – but since this is no longer possible under macOS 10.15, the system framework “MLMediaLibrary” is now used instead.
This works very well for macOS 14 or older, but unfortunately, as already said, not yet on macOS 15.