nessMediaCenter App for AppleTV now supports miniDLNA too.
We have been informed by Dennis that nessMediaCenter App for AppleTV can not access miniDLNA installed on the Raspberry Pi. So far, miniDLNA has not been specified as supported DLNA / UPnP media server, but Raspberry Pi is an interesting solution because of the low price.
After a loan was unfortunately too old to install OpenMediaVault 4 on it, we invested in Raspberry Pi – and unfortunately we had to find out during tests that miniDLNA can be accessed with the MediaCenter of nessMediaCenter / nessViewer for macOS but not with nessMediaCenter for AppleTV or nessViewer for iOS.
While the DLNA media server information is loaded synchronously on macOS, it is loaded asynchronously on iOS and tvOS. While this is not a problem with other DLNA media servers, the information was loaded too slowly with miniDLNA – and as a result the process no longer worked correctly.
We have therefore extended the code so that it is now checked again in the asynchronous call whether media can be accessed. With this extension the media of miniDLNA can now be accessed.