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29 articles found für ‘Playback’…
nessMediaCenter App 1.4.3 for AppleTV available
…when starting to play the movie, an incorrect playback position is sometimes displayed – e.g. 10 … is known, the display jumps back to the actual playback position. On the other hand, the total duration … sometimes changes during M3U8 playback: e.g. instead of the original 1:30 hours it … changes to 0:45 hours. In this case, playback “hangs” at 0:45 hours. We have also reported this … the duration of the movie is “monitored” during playback – and if it suddenly changes to a shorter …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, MediaCenter, Playback, TV, tvOS
nessViewer App 2.5 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…In addition, we have added the change of the playback speed to the movie presentation: movies can now …
Keywords: iOS, movie, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.9 & nessViewer (64 bit) 4.0 for Mac available
…integrated zooming and the preservation of the playback speed (slow motion or faster playback). The …
Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Presentation, Media Server, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.8.1 & nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.2 for Mac available
…be accessed. The most important adaptation is the playback of the music and protected movies through the … While macOS 10.14 or earlier uses iTunes for this playback, macOS 10.15 uses the Music App for music … playback (Music App Control) and the TV app for playing …
Keywords: 64 bit, Music App, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, TV App
nessMediaCenter App 1.3 for AppleTV available
…App for AppleTV now supports endless media playback. If endless playback has been activated in the …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, DLNA, MediaCenter, Media Server, TV, tvOS
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) & nessViewer (64 bit) & AC3 soundtrack playback
…that prevents the correct playback of AC3 soundtracks (bug report 37663282), e.g. in …
Keywords: 64 bit, AC3, EyeTV, Mac App Store, MAS, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, presentation, soundtrack
nessMediaCenter 1.7.4 & nessViewer 3.7.3 for Mac available
…a bug in the Apple system framework “DVDPlayback” which prevents DVD playback on Macs …
Keywords: 64 bit, folder, GPS, Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.12, media center, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, presentation, processing, Retina, Sierra, video, watch
nessViewer App & movie processing
…File” and open a movie, then the movie playback is not displayed anymore (as at “Present …
Keywords: clip, delete, edit, editing, iOS, movie, nessViewer, Photos App, processing, rotate, trim, video
nessViewer App 2.2 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…there are significant differences in terms of playback options: whereas tvOS has no problems to play …
Keywords: AppStore, DLNA, iPad, iPhone, iPod, media, media center, Media Server, UPnP
nessMediaCenter 1.0.2 for Apple TV available
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, MediaCenter, TV, tvOS