After a long time we finally reworked the old "NV Remote" App for iPhone and iPod touch whose successor is now available as "NV Remote II" in iTunes Store (iOS App Store).
"NV Remote II" was not only adapted for iOS 7 and iOS 8 (and still supports iOS 5.1.1 and newer), but is now also compatible with the iPad.
The design of the buttons has also been revised and equals now the buttons of "nessViewer App" for iOS.
The functionality of "NV Remote II" is described on the nessViewer website and on YouTube you can watch a demo video that shows the remote control of nessMediaCenter by "NV Remote II".
In the help of nessMediaCenter or nessViewer, the available control commands of the remote control are explained: beside the media center and media presentations, windows (for example DVD playback, movies and media shows) and even EyeTV and iTunes can be remote controlled as well.
NV Remote II for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch available
Keywords: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, media center, Media Presentation, remote control