Although we actually have enough Apple hardware, we have now bought a new Apple computer in order to be able to test the new Apple processor Silicon M1 with our products. Actually, we would have preferred to wait until a 27-inch iMac with this processor is available, but well … a new Mac Mini is okay too.
The biggest surprise with the Mac Mini was that the MAC address changed – already known from iPhones, but not yet for us with Macs. Especially since no info was displayed even when starting the Mac Mini – and also the deactivation as with the iPhone is missing?
The point and purpose is actually that privacy is better protected if the device tries to log into different WLANs – this makes sense with iPhone and MacBooks, but who goes for a walk with a Mac Mini? And: only the last 2 characters are (so far?) exchanged … well, okay.
Since the MAC address is part of the registration key with nessViewer, the last 2 digits of random MAC addresses are now replaced by “XX”.
We have also improved video editing at nessViewer – tests with other different video sizes had shown that the merging of movies did not always work optimally.
Oh, yes: although all of our products also work optimally with Rosetta, nessMediaCenter and nessViewer now run natively on Apple Silicon M1 processors.
And not to forget: Apple has requested an update of “NV Remote II” because the iOS app has not been updated for a long time.