1.) Apple's "mediastreamsegmenter" is available for MacOS X 10.7 - as far as registered free of charge as Apple developer.
2.) VLC 2.0 offers the functionality to convert / segment movies.
We extended the code of the media server to use VLC 2.0 for the convertion / segmentation if the "mediastreamsegmenter" is not available.
This means that streaming movies via media server e.g. to the iPad is now available for MacOS X 10.5 and newer - either via "mediastreamsegmenter" under MacOS X 10.6 / 10.7 or via VLC.
Just install VLC 2.0 in the application folder to convert / segment movies and stream them via the media server. The convertion / segmentation is executed in a thread in the background - that way it is not necessary to launch VLC.
Importent: for MacOS X 10.5 the 32 bits version of VLC 2.0 must be installed.
The new version has to be tested some time - if you are interested just contact us.