iTunes, EyeTV or VLC can now be controlled via nessViewer by Apple remote control or NV Remote App if one of these applications is frontmost.
iTunes can be activated by the MediaCenter (iTunes -> iTunes Control -> Activate iTunes), EyeTV (or VLC if EyeTV is not installed) will be automatically activated if a EyeTV movie is started by the MediaCenter.
Once activated, in iTunes the current track can be paused / continued or the next / previous track selected, in EyeTV (or VLC) the current movie can be paused / continued or stepped forward / backwards.
Thru pressing MENU, the MediaCenter of nessViewer will be activated and then nessViewer can be controlled again by the remote control.
We have tested all offered internet providers and adapted them if necessary.
FreeMoviesCine is now offering their RSS feeds again so we included their movies in the MediaCenter again. Unfortunately Hulu (only available in USA) can not be offered any more by the MediaCenter because they made it to complicated to parse their flash content.
nessViewer 3.1 and nessMediaCenter 1.2 for Mac available
Keywords: EyeTV, FreeMoviesCinema, Hulu, Internet TV, iTunes, media center, VLC