As previously reported, we uploaded the new nessMediaCenter version 1.7.1 to the “Mac App Store” (MAS) on 4. July. Fortunately, the Apple review team has reviewed this new version already on 11. July.
But unfortunately, this new version is still not available in the MAS. What happened?
After the upload, we tried to view the build details to ensure that nessMediaCenter is complete. In the past, it happened that XCode (the Apple development tool) had not uploaded all resources (eg the German user interface etc.).
These build informations are usually viewable in “iTunes Connect” (ITC), the management interface for AppStore applications. And as we had to find out, ITC is showing a completely blank web page instead of the expected build details.
So we reported this problem at 6. July to Apple. On 9. July we finally received the email that the Apple Developer Support can confirm this bug and that this bug has been reported to the Apple engineering team.
Despite repeated requests, so far nothing has changed and we can unfortunately still not check the uploaded (and reviewed by Apple) nessMediaCenter version 1.7.1. Since we think, that the risk of an incorrect version (for example the missing German user interface) is too large, our MAS customers must unfortunately be patient. And we can not tell how long this might take – an internet search showed that this bug might already exist since 24. June.