As previously reported, we have improved in this version for iOS 8 the import of media from the "Photos App" and the MediaCenter uses now the new structure at "Photos" (years, moments and collections).
The new file icons are now (eg at "open file") smaller and thus each row is also less high. The distance of the title to the icons has been reduced as well.
At the image editing - if you open a picture at "Open File" - a map (OSM) can now be shown with the GPS location. At the image editing the toolbar and the status bar can be hidden by a touch, so that the entire screen is used. And after the 1:1 display of an image it can now be zoomed up to 10x.
In addition, an error in the images display of "Photos App" media has been fixed.
After a longer search and some tests we have now finally eliminated the useless extra spacing of the first row in tables and table headers (eg at the FTP client): hard to believe, but tables should just not be the first view. Now there is always a first invisible view…
And navigation bar and toolbar are now displayed on the iPhone in black even if a bright look is selected (s. "Settings App" and there nessViewer). On the iPad this was already so, but apparently iPhone and iPad still have a different iOS?
As a precaution, we have compiled this version with XCode 6.2 and uploaded it to the AppStore - the latest XCode version 6.3 seems to no longer support older devices.
nessViewer App 2.0 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
Keywords: editing, GPS, icons, image, iOS 8, map, MediaCenter, OSM, Photos App, zoom