In addition to further adaptions for macOS 11 (Big Sur) and minor improvements, the data rate and FPS (Frames Per Seconds) can now explicitly be specified when exporting movies in MPEG-4 format.
So far, the various standard export settings (presets) from Apple have been used both for saving and for exporting movies. This makes it easy to save movies in HD or SD format or for AppleTV / iPad / iPhone, WiFi and Cellular.
However, these standard export settings also have a disadvantage: neither the data rate nor the FPS can be specified explicitly, which means that the movies sometimes have a very large file size, especially in the HD format. In addition, 30 FPS is used by default – even if the original only has 25 FPS.
Especially after changing the video size (e.g. to crop the top and bottom edges), the standard export settings mean that the movies are sometimes 2-4 times as large as the original after saving. In addition to the 30 FPS, this is due to a high data rate, e.g. 7500 instead of 4500 kBits / second.
In this version, after selecting the MPEG-4 format, the data rate and FPS can now be specified explicitly.

The default values are the values of the original – but it is worthwhile to reduce the data rate, especially for longer movies. E.g. for a merged 30 minutes iPhone recording, the file size can be reduced from 2 GB to 800 MB. However, it is advisable to check the export afterwards and, if necessary, to try different data rates in order to obtain an optimal relationship between quality and file size.
We have made a video showing the editing of movies with the 64 bit version containing: rotate & save, join, delete & save, export.