By working on nessMediaCenter App for AppleTV, we expanded the nessViewer media server to show more / improved metadata (preview, description) for movies aka motion pictures, and the “combined” preview for folders with the preview of included media.
Because streaming movies to AppleTV (tvOS) needs a higher resolution than for iOS, we also improved the segmantation speed for (live) streaming, which brings also immediately benefits to the current nessViewer App for iOS.
In addition, we have improved the recognition of different audio formats (mono, stereo, dolby digital) and their conversion for tvOS and iOS.
Because we are currently simultaneously working on a new version of nessViewer app, which will also display the improved metadata and “combined” preview, and we are still improving the media server, we have integrated the latest enhancements and improvements into the current version. Interested users can download the current version of nessViewer and install it manually…