We have now installed Developer Preview 8 of Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) to prepare nessMediaCenter and nessViewer to the new system.
Surprisingly, the message "NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification" is sent when displaying a fullscreen window (MediaCenter, media presentation), which should normally only be sent if the monitor resolution has changed. In this case - if the user changes the resolution - the current fullscreen window is closed. But displaying a fullscreen window does not change the screen resolution.
Under Yosemite this meant that the media center or fullscreen media presentation was immediately closed after a very short display. Now the current screen resolution is compared with the size of the fullscreen window and the window is only closed if the size is different.
In addition, we have adapted the export of videos in media shows for the 64 bit version of nessViewer, so that now several videos can be sequentially converted again.
Overall, we are excited about Yosemite - not only because of the new design, but also because QuickTime and the QuickTime extensions (eg Perian) continues to be supported. Thus the 32-bit versions can still be used, which offer the advantage of greater compatibility with video formats.
The 64 bit versions provide better support for multiple screens with Yosemite, so that the menu bar is now finally managed independently for each monitor. This means that now the menu bar no longer "unintentionally" appears if in fullscreen mode.
The modified versions can be downloaded from the download page - a new version will be simultaneously released with the new AppStore version 1.5.4 of nessMediaCenter, which we have uploaded today to the AppStore and is now awaiting the review by Apple.
Adaptions for Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
Keywords: 32 bit, 64 bit, convert, export, Mac OS X 10.10, monitor, QuickTime, video, Yosemite