At DVD presentation the default language can be set now in the audio menu of the menubar by selecting "Set As Default". If DD 5.1 or DTS and passthrough (digital audio output) is available for the default language, then this audio stream will be selected automatically.
The default language overwrites any language selection in the DVD menu of the DVD window - in other words: if a default language has been set, then selecting another language in the DVD window will be ignored.
By selecting "Remove Default" the default language will be removed and any selection of a language in the DVD window will work again.
The Apple crash report (in case of an unexpected error) has been replaced by a self developed crash report to send these reports to us instead of Apple. Even if crashes do not occur as far as we know (or at least very rar).
The update of nessViewer will take some time since we are still testing the DLNA player. The pre-release can be downloaded if interested.
nessMediaCenter 1.3.5 available
Keywords: 5.1, Audio, DD, Default, Digital, DTS, DVD, Language, Passthrough, Playback, Presentation