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12 articles found für ‘cover’…
nessMediaCenter App 1.3.3 for AppleTV available
…videos. We have read the opportunity to create a cover for each video and to change the miniDLNA …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, DLNA, MediaCenter, Media Server, miniDLNA, TV, tvOS
nessMediaCenter 1.7.4 & nessViewer 3.7.3 for Mac available
…are also available: the export of preview images (covers) in the movie info are now scaled correctly …
Keywords: 64 bit, folder, GPS, Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.12, media center, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, presentation, processing, Retina, Sierra, video, watch
nessMediaCenter & nessViewer & Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
…our applications. So far, we were pleased to discover only a very small problem: Apple has changed the …
Keywords: Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.12, media center, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, Sierra
nessViewer App 2.2 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…previews for folders and metadata (movie info, cover) for movies when accessing the media server in …
Keywords: AppStore, DLNA, iPad, iPhone, iPod, media, media center, Media Server, UPnP
nessMediaCenter & nessViewer & Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
…our applications. So far, we were pleased to discover only a very small problem: if a movie can not be …
Keywords: access permissions, compatibilty, DLNA, El Capitan, Internet, iPhoto, iTunes, library, Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.11, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, tips, tricks, video
nessMediaCenter & nessViewer pre-release: improved iTunes Control
…playlist has been changed.3.) For missing music covers, a standard cover is displayed so that the …
Keywords: Control, cover, iTunes, library, MediaCenter, media center, music, playlist, remote
nessMediaCenter 1.5.2 & nessViewer 3.5.2 for Mac available
…in this version too:1) The search for DVD covers - if no cover and description is specified by … delayed anymore.2) Due to a new provider - FreeCovers - better and more appropriate DVD covers are now … Even if we still prefer manually setup of covers and descriptions by "Movie Info".3) For folders … stored this way too (and not as movie files). And covers are only searched automatically for DVDs - in … "Movie Info", which allows it to setup manually a cover and description for DVDs, (EyeTV) movies and …
Keywords: Aperture, Apple, AppleScript, cover, DLNA, DRM, DVD, EyeTV, Internet, iPhoto, iTunes, media, MediaCenter, media center, Miro, PowerPC, PPC, Presentation, ScriptingBridge
nessMediaCenter 1.3.3 & nessViewer 3.2.3 for Mac available (iPhoto / iTunes)
…if the playback was already started. Otherwise a cover preview and the number of tracks will be …
Keywords: Control, cover, iPhoto, iTunes, MediaCenter, preview
nessViewer 2.7.4 available (MSN Movies)
…page list does neither contain infos nor previews/covers. nessViewer App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch …
Keywords: FreeMoviesCinema, MSN Movies
nessViewer 2.7 available
…up - either left/right/up or up/down/left. A cover and description can now be set for media shows by … that for DVDs it can take also time to show a cover - this can be influenced by the MediaCenter … as more providers will be used to find a cover the more time it can take. The ARD-Mediathek …
Keywords: ARD, cover, MediaCenter, Media Show, movie info