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12 articles found für ‘editing’…
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.9 & nessViewer (64 bit) 4.0 for Mac available
…If the size of a movie was changed during movie editing (e.g. to remove annoying black bars at the top …
Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Presentation, Media Server, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.8.4 & nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.6 for Mac available
…now replaced by “XX”. We have also improved video editing at nessViewer – tests with other different …
Keywords: 64 bit, edit, editing, M1, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Silicon
nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.5 for Mac available
…In addition, we have improved the movie editing so that movies with different orientations … if recorded in portrait mode, but after the first editing (e.g. to delete a section) the movie was … once. Now this orientation is retained even after editing. The changes required for this should also be …
Keywords: 64 bit, edit, editing, MediaCenter, movie, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.8.3 for Mac available
…working on further improvements in movie editing. …
Keywords: 64 bit, nessMediaCenter
nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.4 for Mac available
…and file size. We have made a video showing the editing of movies with the 64 bit version containing: …
Keywords: 64 bit, data rate, edit, editing, fps, movie, mpeg-4, nessViewer
nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.1 for Mac available
…movie will then be opened in the movie editor for editing. Rotated movies (such as iPhone recordings in …
Keywords: 64 bit, HEIC, Media Server, Media Show, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter 1.7.4 & nessViewer 3.7.3 for Mac available
…map with the GPS location can be opened in movie editing and in media shows. We have also in the 64 bit …
Keywords: 64 bit, folder, GPS, Mac App Store, Mac OS X 10.12, media center, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Photos App, presentation, processing, Retina, Sierra, video, watch
nessViewer App 2.0 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…the icons has been reduced as well. At the image editing - if you open a picture at "Open File" - a map … now be shown with the GPS location. At the image editing the toolbar and the status bar can be hidden by a …
Keywords: editing, GPS, icons, image, iOS 8, map, MediaCenter, OSM, Photos App, zoom
nessMediaCenter 1.5.2 & nessViewer 3.5.2 for Mac available
…privacy sometimes also has disadvantages - manual editing of covers is of course less "comfortable". But …
Keywords: Aperture, Apple, AppleScript, cover, DLNA, DRM, DVD, EyeTV, Internet, iPhoto, iTunes, media, MediaCenter, media center, Miro, PowerPC, PPC, Presentation, ScriptingBridge
nessMediaCenter 1.5 & nessViewer 3.5 available
…media in the document window (for editing), and open the internet media browser …
Keywords: DLNA, DRM, iTunes, media center, Media Show