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63 articles found für ‘video’…
nessMediaCenter App 1.4.3 for AppleTV available
…infinite playback (EVENT) or movie playback (VOD, Video On Demand), in which the movie has already been …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, MediaCenter, Playback, TV, tvOS
nessViewer (64 bit) 4.0.1 for Mac available
…the more surprising because the aspect ratio (AVVideoPixelAspectRatioKey) was previously specified …
Keywords: 64 bit, edit, editing, movie, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.9 & nessViewer (64 bit) 4.0 for Mac available
…movie must be segmented. This is okay for short videos (e.g. iPhone recordings), but e.g. cinema movies …
Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Presentation, Media Server, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter (64 bit) 1.8.4 & nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.6 for Mac available
…are now replaced by “XX”. We have also improved video editing at nessViewer – tests with other … different video sizes had shown that the merging of movies did …
Keywords: 64 bit, edit, editing, M1, movie, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer, Silicon
nessViewer (64 bit) 3.9.4 for Mac available
…only has 25 FPS. Especially after changing the video size (e.g. to crop the top and bottom edges), the … between quality and file size. We have made a video showing the editing of movies with the 64 bit …
Keywords: 64 bit, data rate, edit, editing, fps, movie, mpeg-4, nessViewer
nessViewer App 2.4 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch available
…in accessing miniDLNA (date and duration of videos in a more readable form, preview of movies), the …
Keywords: alternative, DLNA, FTP, iCloud, iOS, movie, nessViewer, photo, Photos App, VPN
nessMediaCenter App 1.3.3 for AppleTV available
…were not so optimally. On one hand, the date of videos was displayed in an illegible form and the … line. In addition, a preview is now displayed for videos. We have read the opportunity to create a cover … for each video and to change the miniDLNA configuration. But … that is too complex for us with so many videos. However, the video preview may take 1-3 seconds … to display – depending on the video. And in general, the automatic selection did not …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, DLNA, MediaCenter, Media Server, miniDLNA, TV, tvOS
nessMediaCenter App 1.3 for AppleTV available
…activated in the settings, then pictures and / or videos (possibly with a random sorting) can be … own ads in a shop window. Or just to play music videos in the background continuously… In …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, DLNA, MediaCenter, Media Server, TV, tvOS
nessMediaCenter 1.7.6 & nessViewer 3.8.2 for Mac available
…camera and the microphone (only nessViewer if video recording will be opened) as well as access to …
Keywords: 64 bit, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer
nessMediaCenter App 1.2 for AppleTV available
…now use nessViewer on the Mac to arrange internet videos in a media show and then access on AppleTV via … server this media show to presemt the internet videos one after another. …
Keywords: Apple, AppStore, MediaCenter, Media Server, Media Show, TV, tvOS