Search results for nessViewer App


In this version of the nessViewer App we have fixed a few errors, including the Media Show with local media. In addition, we have added the change of the playback speed to the movie presentation: movies can now be played at up to 8x speed or in slow motion up to 4x.

Keywords: iOS, movie, nessViewer


After the DLNA bug fix for the support of miniDLNA (middle of December) we continued to work on the improvements in this version to extend the access to miniDLNA and to use nessViewer as an iCloud alternative in better way. In addition to minor improvements in accessing miniDLNA (date and duration of videos in a more readable form, preview of movies), the access of DLNA media servers outside the local network is now …

Keywords: alternative, DLNA, FTP, iCloud, iOS, movie, nessViewer, photo, Photos App, VPN


As reported, it needed various bug reports to Apple and updates of macOS 10.14 to finally offer a new version of nessMediaCenter. With this version, 2 old braids are cut off: The 32 bit version is no longer maintained (and this update is only available for the 64 bit version). The internet offer will also not be maintained anymore and probably removed in the future. Version 1.8 finally supports the dark appearance of macOS 10.14. In addition, the server address of the

Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Server, nessMediaCenter, nessViewer


After the release of the official version of macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), we tested nessViewer and nessMediaCenter again and could not find any problems. However, High Sierra showed a different MAC address in the system settings “Network” as well as in nessViewer after the first start – and thus in nessViewer appeared the start dialog with the info “Unregistered full version” also with previously registered full versions. Only after a new start of High Sierra, the original MAC address was displayed, which …

Keywords: macOS 10.13. High Sierra, nessViewer


The work on finessTV has resulted in some improvements which have now also been implemented in the media server: Energy saving: when connecting by a client, the Mac is woken up and then the sleep is prevented. External connection: outside the local network, connections are now possible again even if the router firewall is switched on. Video quality for convertion: for each user the quality (for example, &#…

Keywords: 64 bit, MediaCenter, Media Server, Media Show, nessViewer